2016年8月29日 星期一


MTP - Multi-Time Programming 超低功耗邏輯製程嵌入式多次可程式
RF - Radio frequency 射頻
NFC - Near-field communication 近場無線通訊
OLED - An organic light-emitting diode  有機發光二極體
LCD- Liquid Crystal Display 液晶顯示器.
SSD - Solid State Drive 固態硬碟
IOT - Internet of Things 物聯網 
NB-IoT -> Narrowband IOT
ICT - Information and Communication Technology 資訊與通訊科技
DLP - Digital Light Processing 數位光固化製程.
PPTP - Point to Point Tunnel Protocol
L2TPLayer 2 Tunneling Protocol
PPPoE - Point-to-Point Protocol Over Ethernet跨乙太網路點對點通訊協定.
LTPS- Low Temperature Poly-Silicon 低溫多晶矽
TFT-  Thin Film Transistor  薄膜電晶體
a-Si LCD- Amorphous silicon 非晶矽液晶顯示器.
TDDI- Touch with Display Driver 觸控系統整合於面板驅動IC.
Lore- Long Range, Low power platform for IOT wireless connect system.
SOC- System On a Chip.系統單晶片.
QSIP- Qualcomm System in Package.
SLP - Substrate Like PCB 類載板
OSD - On screen Display 螢幕功能顯示
IGZO-Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide
TOSLINK-Toshiba Link 光纖音頻電纜 光纖音頻電纜
HEPA-High-Efficiency Particulate Air高效率空氣微粒子過濾網.
IPS- In-Plane-Switching Liquid Crystal ,橫向電場效應顯示技術.
LVDS - Low Voltage Differential Signaling , 低​電壓​差動​訊號​傳輸 .
CMOS - Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor , 互補式金屬氧化物半導體.
TTL - Transistor-Transistor Logic,電晶體-電晶體邏輯電路.
eDP -  Embedded DisplayPort , 
DLNA - Digital Living network Alliance 數位生活網路聯盟
CBS-Combination Braking System.機車任一邊手拉煞車時,兩輪同時動作之系統.
TOF - Time Of Flight 飛時測距感測.


Libor -  London Interbank Offered Rate 倫敦銀行間同業拆放利率
SEC - United States Securities and Exchange Commission 美國證券交易委員會
Shibor - Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate 上海銀行間拆放利率
SDR- Special Drawing Right 特別提款權