2014年12月26日 星期五
2014年12月9日 星期二
The bicycle trail in Chaiyi city
Every person like to walking and ride bicycles to the famous landscape in Chaiyi city.
It has pretty views at night .
My family says that has a lot of various plants, it lays out the railing on two sides. So When we arrive destination for sport or play reason, which is can add our live knowledge.
It has pretty views at night .
My family says that has a lot of various plants, it lays out the railing on two sides. So When we arrive destination for sport or play reason, which is can add our live knowledge.
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Jacaranda mimosifolia |
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Train and Tropic of Cancer with landscape , Sunset |
2014年12月7日 星期日
2014年12月4日 星期四
根據市調報告Wohlers Report分析,2013年全球3D醫療市場金額為4億美元,預估到2016年將提高到10億美元,台灣3D醫療市場預估也將達上億元。
佳世達則透過旗下明基三豐,與以色列合作夥伴AB Dental Devices合作成立明基口腔醫材公司,推出3D植牙整合服務。
佳世達總經理陳其宏表示,AB Dental Devices擅長人工植體,結合明基三豐的3D術前規劃系統、3D列印手術導板及電子化的整合服務,可協助醫生建立更精準、更快速的術前規劃與植牙效率,也可降低患者疼痛與加快傷口癒合復原。
1.聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/FINANCE/FIN3/9110296.shtml .
根據市調報告Wohlers Report分析,2013年全球3D醫療市場金額為4億美元,預估到2016年將提高到10億美元,台灣3D醫療市場預估也將達上億元。
佳世達則透過旗下明基三豐,與以色列合作夥伴AB Dental Devices合作成立明基口腔醫材公司,推出3D植牙整合服務。
佳世達總經理陳其宏表示,AB Dental Devices擅長人工植體,結合明基三豐的3D術前規劃系統、3D列印手術導板及電子化的整合服務,可協助醫生建立更精準、更快速的術前規劃與植牙效率,也可降低患者疼痛與加快傷口癒合復原。
1.聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/FINANCE/FIN3/9110296.shtml .
2014年12月1日 星期一
Resound Linx9 hearing aids review
The LiNX 9 from Danish company GN ReSound and Apple is the first made for iPhone
hearing aid. This is a receiver in the ear hearing aid with a very small and discrete case which sits behind the ear. The tough waterproof coating makes it ideal for most environments and it is suitable for even severe hearing loss. The range, which includes the LiNX 7 contains a powerful 2.4 GHz wireless processor and the new SmartRange dual core platform. The other Resound LiNX in the range is the Resound Linx 7 hearing aid.
This dual core platform has one processor for wireless capability and another for processing sound. By downloading the Smart App from the Apple Store you can turn your hearing aids into a wireless Bluetooth stereo headset. An audio streaming program lets you listen to music or make hands free phone calls without the need for extra adaptors or hardware.
This is ideal for staying in contact with others when you are out and about. You can also stream sound from Skype or face time chats, watch television and films on your iPad as well as using traffic navigation programmes. You can turn your Apple device into a remote microphone for listening to someone in a very noisy environment. Simply set the audio streaming to pick up sound from your microphone and give it to the person you need to hear. This feature has so many uses, such as conversation in a busy restaurant or listening to the children in the back of your car whilst you are driving.
These features are easy to manage using your iPhone, iPad or iPod which can also be used as a remote control for your hearing aids. This app gives you full control over the programmes you are using as well as allowing you to change the volume and bass settings.
You can use the app to Geo Tag your favourite locations and save your ideal hearing aid settings for each place. The next time you visit, the hearing aids will automatically go back to those ideal hearing settings.
The app can give you helpful information about caring for your hearing aids to keep them working at their best. There is also a user guide to help you navigate all the features.
This premium hearing aid model is suitable for more challenging hearing environments and contains additional programs to reduce wind noise and background noise with its Environmental Optimiser program.
These hearing aids can ‘talk’ to each other and synchronize effortlessly to give you the best listening experience possible. With the Natural Directionality program you can choose to focus on different areas or people speaking by changing the microphone direction. One hearing aid can focus on someone talking in front of you whilst the other still picks up sound around you. This gives a very natural hearing experience with out the background noise becoming intrusive. By using the AutoScope Directionality function you can focus the microphones on one person or a group by widening or narrowing the focus of the microphones.
The Binaural Directionality feature automatically focuses on conversation in noisy environments by assessing the noise levels and changing the direction of the microphones for the best speech clarity. These programmes can of course be altered with a discrete tap of your iPhone.
With 17 frequency channels and a compression program which brings the higher, more difficult to hear frequencies within hearing range the LiNX hearing aids provide a rich listening experience. The new Surround Sound by ReSound program helps you to work out where sounds are coming from, giving you greater awareness of your surroundings.
Because your hearing aids can communicate with each other they will always be on the same volume settings and programs. They can also work together, adapting to the listening environment using Synchronized Soft Switching. This program makes small changes to the volume and background noise levels when you move from a quiet environment to a louder one and vice versa, ensuring that the sound isn’t uncomfortably loud or annoyingly quiet as you move around. The Environmental Optimizer program can also make adjustments depending on your environment.
Using the Comfort Phone program will increase the volume on your telephone side whilst you are having a conversation and optimise the other person’s speech. The other hearing aid will automatically reduce the sound to minimise distractions so you can concentrate on the phone call. When you have finished your call the hearing aids will automatically return to their normal hearing mode.
The LiNX 9 is available in a range of 10 different colours and contains four memory programs which can be tailored for your hearing needs.
Author: Paul Harrison
hearing aid. This is a receiver in the ear hearing aid with a very small and discrete case which sits behind the ear. The tough waterproof coating makes it ideal for most environments and it is suitable for even severe hearing loss. The range, which includes the LiNX 7 contains a powerful 2.4 GHz wireless processor and the new SmartRange dual core platform. The other Resound LiNX in the range is the Resound Linx 7 hearing aid.
This dual core platform has one processor for wireless capability and another for processing sound. By downloading the Smart App from the Apple Store you can turn your hearing aids into a wireless Bluetooth stereo headset. An audio streaming program lets you listen to music or make hands free phone calls without the need for extra adaptors or hardware.
This is ideal for staying in contact with others when you are out and about. You can also stream sound from Skype or face time chats, watch television and films on your iPad as well as using traffic navigation programmes. You can turn your Apple device into a remote microphone for listening to someone in a very noisy environment. Simply set the audio streaming to pick up sound from your microphone and give it to the person you need to hear. This feature has so many uses, such as conversation in a busy restaurant or listening to the children in the back of your car whilst you are driving.
These features are easy to manage using your iPhone, iPad or iPod which can also be used as a remote control for your hearing aids. This app gives you full control over the programmes you are using as well as allowing you to change the volume and bass settings.
You can use the app to Geo Tag your favourite locations and save your ideal hearing aid settings for each place. The next time you visit, the hearing aids will automatically go back to those ideal hearing settings.
The app can give you helpful information about caring for your hearing aids to keep them working at their best. There is also a user guide to help you navigate all the features.
This premium hearing aid model is suitable for more challenging hearing environments and contains additional programs to reduce wind noise and background noise with its Environmental Optimiser program.
These hearing aids can ‘talk’ to each other and synchronize effortlessly to give you the best listening experience possible. With the Natural Directionality program you can choose to focus on different areas or people speaking by changing the microphone direction. One hearing aid can focus on someone talking in front of you whilst the other still picks up sound around you. This gives a very natural hearing experience with out the background noise becoming intrusive. By using the AutoScope Directionality function you can focus the microphones on one person or a group by widening or narrowing the focus of the microphones.
The Binaural Directionality feature automatically focuses on conversation in noisy environments by assessing the noise levels and changing the direction of the microphones for the best speech clarity. These programmes can of course be altered with a discrete tap of your iPhone.
With 17 frequency channels and a compression program which brings the higher, more difficult to hear frequencies within hearing range the LiNX hearing aids provide a rich listening experience. The new Surround Sound by ReSound program helps you to work out where sounds are coming from, giving you greater awareness of your surroundings.
Because your hearing aids can communicate with each other they will always be on the same volume settings and programs. They can also work together, adapting to the listening environment using Synchronized Soft Switching. This program makes small changes to the volume and background noise levels when you move from a quiet environment to a louder one and vice versa, ensuring that the sound isn’t uncomfortably loud or annoyingly quiet as you move around. The Environmental Optimizer program can also make adjustments depending on your environment.
Using the Comfort Phone program will increase the volume on your telephone side whilst you are having a conversation and optimise the other person’s speech. The other hearing aid will automatically reduce the sound to minimise distractions so you can concentrate on the phone call. When you have finished your call the hearing aids will automatically return to their normal hearing mode.
The LiNX 9 is available in a range of 10 different colours and contains four memory programs which can be tailored for your hearing needs.
Author: Paul Harrison
含Audio Codec之MCU
新唐科技微控制器應用事業群副總經理林任烈表示,新唐去年推出的第一個Cortex-M4產品--NUC442/472,因有涵蓋乙太網路介面、第 二代通用序列匯流排(USB 2.0)OTG與高速裝置,以及各式通訊介面支援,因此尤其適用於須要介接各種通訊介面的應用,其中最經典的例子就是工業用閘道器(Gateway);而 此次推出的新品,則是為了擴大高階工業控制及消費性電子市場版圖,並與第一代Cortex-M4產品做出區隔。
林任烈進一步指出,新的產品線仍將展現新唐一貫的強項,也就是靜電放電(ESD)、電氣快速暫態脈衝測試(Electrical Fast Transient, EFT)的設計實力,以替系統阻隔任何靜電及訊號干擾,強化控制系統的穩定度。
據了解,新的Cortex-M4系列--M451,其最大特色在於加強可調電壓周邊介面及脈衝寬度調變(PWM)能力。林任烈解釋,一般而言,PWM的運 作時脈應與CPU旗鼓相當,如第一代Cortex-M4--NUC442/472的運作時脈落在84MHz,則與之搭配的PWM亦然。不過,CPU運作時 脈為75MHz的M451,其PWM則內含144MHz的快速電機控制計時器,如此強化PWM設計就是為了協助系統得以達到更為精準的控制效果。
另一Cortex-M4系列新產品--NUC505,其最大特色則在於整合了音訊編解碼器(Audio Codec)。林任烈指出,音訊編解碼器是一音訊輸入/輸出處理元件,過去都係外掛在MCU旁,鮮少有廠商能將其整合至MCU內。此外,新唐科技亦提供音 訊編解碼壓縮演算法,透過軟硬整合的方式,強化該產品的競爭力,因此相當適用於須要音訊處理的消費性電子應用,如麥克風、遊戲機等。
林任烈總結,雖然許多國際大廠早已加入Cortex-M4戰局多時,不過放眼台灣及中國大陸,新唐仍算是本土晶片商中於Cortex-M4領域的開拓者, 未來該公司仍將透過擴大產品線的方式保持Coetex-M4 MCU的產品競爭力,並維持本土晶片商在Cortex-M4領域的領先地位。
新唐科技微控制器應用事業群副總經理林任烈表示,新唐去年推出的第一個Cortex-M4產品--NUC442/472,因有涵蓋乙太網路介面、第 二代通用序列匯流排(USB 2.0)OTG與高速裝置,以及各式通訊介面支援,因此尤其適用於須要介接各種通訊介面的應用,其中最經典的例子就是工業用閘道器(Gateway);而 此次推出的新品,則是為了擴大高階工業控制及消費性電子市場版圖,並與第一代Cortex-M4產品做出區隔。
林任烈進一步指出,新的產品線仍將展現新唐一貫的強項,也就是靜電放電(ESD)、電氣快速暫態脈衝測試(Electrical Fast Transient, EFT)的設計實力,以替系統阻隔任何靜電及訊號干擾,強化控制系統的穩定度。
據了解,新的Cortex-M4系列--M451,其最大特色在於加強可調電壓周邊介面及脈衝寬度調變(PWM)能力。林任烈解釋,一般而言,PWM的運 作時脈應與CPU旗鼓相當,如第一代Cortex-M4--NUC442/472的運作時脈落在84MHz,則與之搭配的PWM亦然。不過,CPU運作時 脈為75MHz的M451,其PWM則內含144MHz的快速電機控制計時器,如此強化PWM設計就是為了協助系統得以達到更為精準的控制效果。
另一Cortex-M4系列新產品--NUC505,其最大特色則在於整合了音訊編解碼器(Audio Codec)。林任烈指出,音訊編解碼器是一音訊輸入/輸出處理元件,過去都係外掛在MCU旁,鮮少有廠商能將其整合至MCU內。此外,新唐科技亦提供音 訊編解碼壓縮演算法,透過軟硬整合的方式,強化該產品的競爭力,因此相當適用於須要音訊處理的消費性電子應用,如麥克風、遊戲機等。
林任烈總結,雖然許多國際大廠早已加入Cortex-M4戰局多時,不過放眼台灣及中國大陸,新唐仍算是本土晶片商中於Cortex-M4領域的開拓者, 未來該公司仍將透過擴大產品線的方式保持Coetex-M4 MCU的產品競爭力,並維持本土晶片商在Cortex-M4領域的領先地位。
繼今年初接連發布兩款類比式微機電系統麥克風(MEMS Microphone)後,應美盛(InvenSense)日前再度出招,與Sonion宣布策略聯盟,將共同針對助聽應用領域開發MEMS麥克風產品及相關技術,進一步擴張聽力保健市場版圖。
應美盛總監兼執行長Behrooz Abdi表示,助聽器(Hearing Aid)、助聽器配件、輔助性聽覺/警示(Assistive
Sonion執行長Jørn Mørkeberg指出,在MEMS麥克風加入Sonion駐極體麥克風產品線後,該公司將能滿足客戶需求並在聽力保健市場享有獨特地位。展望未來,Sonion與應美盛將結合雙方知識,創造更吸引人的MEMS麥克風產品。
應美盛自去年10月以1億美元現金購併亞德諾(ADI)MEMS麥克風產品線後,已在短時間內發布一波波MEMS麥克風市場攻勢。該公司首先在今年1月初 鎖定智慧型手機、平板、相機、藍牙(Bluetooth)頭戴式耳機等應用,發表一款具備高效能、70dB高訊噪比(SNR)、低功耗等優勢的類比輸出 MEMS麥克風。
接著在2月的全球行動通訊大會(MWC)中,應美盛再度針對消費性電子市場,推出高效能上部開孔(Top Port)MEMS類比麥克風,可在低功耗運作模式下,達65dB高訊噪比表現,適用於常時開啟(Always-on)的情境感知(Context Awareness)應用,且上部開孔方案效能與該公司先前發表的底部開孔(Bottom Port)MEMS麥克風相容,可提供客戶更多設計彈性
Sonion執行長Jørn Mørkeberg指出,在MEMS麥克風加入Sonion駐極體麥克風產品線後,該公司將能滿足客戶需求並在聽力保健市場享有獨特地位。展望未來,Sonion與應美盛將結合雙方知識,創造更吸引人的MEMS麥克風產品。
應美盛自去年10月以1億美元現金購併亞德諾(ADI)MEMS麥克風產品線後,已在短時間內發布一波波MEMS麥克風市場攻勢。該公司首先在今年1月初 鎖定智慧型手機、平板、相機、藍牙(Bluetooth)頭戴式耳機等應用,發表一款具備高效能、70dB高訊噪比(SNR)、低功耗等優勢的類比輸出 MEMS麥克風。
接著在2月的全球行動通訊大會(MWC)中,應美盛再度針對消費性電子市場,推出高效能上部開孔(Top Port)MEMS類比麥克風,可在低功耗運作模式下,達65dB高訊噪比表現,適用於常時開啟(Always-on)的情境感知(Context Awareness)應用,且上部開孔方案效能與該公司先前發表的底部開孔(Bottom Port)MEMS麥克風相容,可提供客戶更多設計彈性
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