2012年2月14日 星期二

All the movies you know and love

All the movies you know and love
Pixar has made 12 films . Together , the movie have earned more than seven billions dollar .   Finding Nemo , Incredible , Up , and Toy story 3 are all Pixar films . Toy story 3 was most successful cartoon movie of all time .
Many Pixar movie are popular with both adults and children .Adults like  interesting stories . Children are laugh at the funny  characters . Everyone enjoyed Pixar's unique computer animation .
Recently , Pixar has been making  television shows as well . Toy story and Cars are now very popular  television cartoons .

 Tips :
1. be popular with (someone)  = be popular among (someone)

Reference :
-ABC 互動英語雜誌 115 期.

