2012年2月29日 星期三



此例可用於求整個球體表面積 = 2*2π*R2 (1-cos90°)=4π*R2

2012年2月28日 星期二

Nokia 808 Pureview 4100萬畫素照相手機

近日在 2012 西班牙 MWC SHOW, NOKIA 展示出 Model: 808 Pureview 4100萬畫素照相手機,此為內置 Carl Zeiss 鏡頭,並有Xenon Flash 的輔助,此規格不只超越智慧型手機的規格,在畫素的提升還超越數位單眼相機的規格.


2012年2月24日 星期五


       Hugo takes place in Paris, in the 1930's, When Hugo's father dies in a fire, Hugo is all one. All he has is a robot that his father made .
       Hugo has to live in a train station, all be himself. As Hugo tries to survive, he makes new friends and new enemies. He also learns more about his father's robot. He starts to think that his father made the robot for a reason. Does it contain a message for him?
      Hugo stars Jude Law. Martin Scorsese. One of the most successful filmmakers in the world, directed the movie .

1. All + (someone) + has is ------ (某人) 只有------
2. (Someone) learns about (something) (某人)了解到(某事)

1.ABC英文電子雜誌 116期

2012年2月23日 星期四


唯冠 iPad

Apple iPad

1.http://news.chinatimes.com/2007Cti/2007Cti-News/2007Cti-News-Content/0%2C4521%2C50103936+122012022400199%2C00.html 工商時報【記者佘研寧/綜合報導】


視力矯正已經走入全面電腦化及雷射化的時代,其中最新的iLASIK全雷射矯正為最新的矯正方式。製作角膜瓣是近視矯正的首要步驟,iLASIK手術 以無刀飛秒雷射,採用電腦預設程式,取代原本機械式製作角膜瓣的技術,大幅降低誤差的產生,能製作出更平整、更適合病患瓣膜厚度的角膜瓣。



賴史忠指出,iLASIK不論在安全性與術後視力品質上,都較傳統LASIK高,術後恢復期更短,適合高度近視、對視力品質要求較高的族群。醫師提醒,各 式近視手術琳瑯滿目,甚至打起價格戰,讓民眾無所適從。醫師強調,價格固然是考量的因素,但民眾選擇手術方式時,更應注意手術方式,及醫師的可靠性,畢竟 精緻的眼睛,容不了任何閃失。

Microkeratome & The IntraLaser Laser

LASIK is a two step process. First a thin flap of the eye’s corneal tissue is created and folded back, then a laser reshapes the interior of the eye and the flap is replaced. In regular LASIK surgery the flap is created with a hand held device housing a blade, called a microkeratome. While this has produced good results, most complications in LASIK are attributed to the blade.
Keratome flap
Traditional Microkeratome - Step One:
The microkeratome is a razor like device opeated by hand or a motor. The blade slices off a portion of the cornea, leaving an uncut section to serve as the flap's hinge.

Keratome Flap
Traditional Microkeratome - Step Two:
The sliced section is then folded back to expose the underlying corneal layer. Although microkeratomes generally provide good results, they are a recognized source of minor and even sever complications.
IntraLASIK is a revolutionary bladeless technology that does not use a blade to create the corneal flap. Instead the IntraLase (femtosecond) laser's energy passes through the outer layer of the cornea until it reaches its exact focal point in the central layer. The laser then works in an 'inside out' process, precisely defining a flap and the amount of tissue below that plane. The resulting corneal flap is folded back and vision correction treatment is accomplished as usual. Then, the corneal flap is folded back onto the eye to complete the surgery.
IntraLASIK - Step One:
IntraLASIK software directs the INTRALASE FS Laser to optically focus its beam into a tiny, 3 micron spot of energy that passes harmlessly through the outer layers of the cornea until reaching its exact focal point within the stroma (central layer of the cornea).

IntraLASIK - Step Two:
In an "inside out" process, the laser beam creates a dissection plane by forming an interconnecting series of bubbles (made of carbon dioxide and water vapor).

IntraLASIK - Step Three:
The laser beam stacks a pattern of bubbles along the periphery of the ablation plane, leaving an uncut section of tissue to act as a hinge. As with a traditional LASIK approach, the surgeon then folds the tissue back to expose the underlying corneal layer to prepare for the excimer laser treatment that will re-shape the cornea.


2. http://bevhillslasik.com/procedures.html

The Fisherman

      David said to his wife, "Don't buy food for dinner tonight. I'll go to lake and catch some fish." He fished for a whole day, but couldn't catch anything. Finally, He qiut.
      David went to the local store. "Give me two very big fish. I'm going to tell my wife that I caught them."
     " I think you should buy salmon," said the owner. David asked why. The owner said, "Your wife was here earlier and said that if you stop by, You should get the salmon. She prefers that for dinner." 

Tips :
1. Can't (don't , didn't , won't) +  V + anything 什麼都無法---
2. Stop by 經過


2012年2月21日 星期二

English phrase

1.  Cheer for (someone) 為(某人)加油,喝采
      David is from Taiwan , so he cheers for all the Taiwan teams .

2. (Something) is sold out (某物)售罄
     I couldn't buy a ticket because they're sold out.

3. Keep in shape 維持良好體格
    To keep in shape , David jogs three kilometers every day .

4. (Someone) practices + V-ing (某人)練習 ---
     David practices playing the guitar third a week .

5. So far 目前
    So far , we're winning the basketball game , but I don't know what will happen .

6. Have (something) in mind 想到(某事物) .Have (someone) in mind 想到(某人)
    What do you have in mind for dinner ?
     Sarah has Rose in mind for her roommate.

7. A and B go (well) together = A goes with B  A與B相配
   Clay oven rolls and fried bread stick go well together .

8. If you say so 依你之意
    If you say so , I don't really care .

9. A comes with B 隨A附贈B
    This new car comes with free one maintenance .

10. (Someone) is done with (something) (某人)完成(某事)
      After you're done with your work , we can have a rest .

11. (Someone) can't do without + N (某人)不能沒有---
      David  can't do without his mini van .

12. Pick out 選出
      They went to the paint shop and picked up some paints .

13. That's it 就這些
      That's it , we can go to school now .

14. (Something) comes to + N.(某物)的金額為----
      The bill comes to 1,000 dollars .

15. All set 準備就緒
      I'm all set , let we can go home.

16. Apply for 申請
     Apply to 申請(學校)
     David just applied for a bank loan with education. 

17. Get going = start 開始
      The football game will get going in ten minutes.

18. (Someone) doesn't think so (某人)不這麼認為 ,反義->(someone) thinks so .
      I think so. I'm not patient enough to study history .

19. Out of (one's) mind (某人)失去理智.
      You're out of your mind ! If you buy that LV handbag .

20. Work out 運動,健身.
      David works out every day in the morning .

21. Besides 副詞[此外,而且] 句首加逗號.
      I don't want to go to the national scenic area. Besides , I have to work today .                    Besides 介系詞[除了---之外] + N (V-ing)
     Besides Jack , there were 10 people in the room .

22. Talk (Someone) into (something) 說服(某人)(做某事)
      Rose talked me into becoming her teammates.

23. A makes a deal with B A和B達成協議.
      David made a deal with his brother. They will rent the apartment together.

24. Keep an open mind 敞開心胸
      Please just keep an open mind and listen to my idea .

25. In advance 事先;預先
      We need to pay for our train tickets in advance .

26. Change (one's) mind (某人)改變主意
      David changes his mind too much.

27. (Someone) would rather + V. (某人)寧可 ----
      I don't want to ride a motorcycle . I would rather take a bus .
      Jack would rather have Taiwan food than American food .

28. Get rid of 擺脫,除去
      Rose is going to get rid of her old bicycle and buy a new one .

29. Agree on (something) 對(某事)意見一致
      Agree with (something) / (someone) 同意 (某事) (某人)
     We need to agree on the morning to leave.
     I couldn't agree with you more about your hard working .

30. Cool down 冷卻
      If you shower body , it will cool you down .

31. A picture of + N (某人事物的)圖片,照片
     Jack has a picture of his sister .

32. For now 暫時;目前
      David can stay at my villa for now .

33. Bring up a.提起b.扶養
     I want to ask Tina about his father , but I don't know how to bring up .
    Anderson's stepmother brought him up.

34. Bring along (隨身) 攜帶
      Whenever Jason go abroad , she brings along his notebook .

35. Bring out 拿出來 / 拿過來 (視說話者位置)
      Can you bring out the garbage , Please?

36. Bring about 造成
     The climbing accident brought about lots of changes in Pat's life .

37. Bring around 說服
     Jeremy doesn't agree with me yet , but I'll bring him around .

38. What's up ? 你好嗎?/有什麼新鮮事?

39. Turn out 結果變成 similar become ,後接 well/badly/fine 等副詞
      The weather turned out very fine today .

40. Fool around 胡鬧,搞怪
     May got angry because her students were fooling around .

41. Let's call it a day = That's all for today 今天到此為止

42. Class dismissed 下課

43. Keep in touch = Don't be a stranger 有空常聯絡

44. Odd jobs 打零工

45. According to 根據
     According to Mr Lin , this is a wonderful film .

46. In order to 為了
      In order to prepare for his acting , June practiced every day .

47. Be about to 即將 ,快要
     John is about to leave for Australia .

48. In addition to 除了---- 之外
     In addition to cleaning the bedroom , we also have to clean the drawing-room . 

2012年2月20日 星期一

新連網技術 HSPA+Multiflow

           通常透過行動網路連接瀏覽網路時,若是碰上單一基地台收訊不良或流量過於阻塞,通常都會讓連網效率變差,目前Nokia Siemens與高通 (Qualcomm)攜手合作新連網技術「HSPA+ Multiflow」,將提供使用者可透過手機同時連接不同基地台的連網頻寬資源。

          根據Nokia Siemens官方新聞稿透露,近期已經與高通攜手合作全新「HSPA+ Multiflow」技術,說簡單的話就是可允許使用者透過手機上網時,同時接收來自不同基地台的網路訊號,藉此彌補過去接收單一基地台訊號可能造成流量 壅塞、訊號不佳或產生死角的情況,在特定時候還可以藉此提昇整體連網速率,比起現行HSPA+最高可快上50%的資料傳輸效能。

而對於電信業者在基地台的擴充部份,也只需要額外加裝一組RAN連網通訊設備,而不需要大費周章更換既有基地台即可升級,而使用者端則無須作任何變更即可 使用。目前Nokia Siemens與高通希望能將此規格變成3GPP標準,並且預計在2012年中開始布局,並且在2013年下半年間啟用。

Nokia Siemens與高通也透露將在今年MWC 2012期間展示此項技術。


Product Design

Product Design

Sports Mechanical design
  Industrial and Mechanical design about the remote lock



政府目前正在研擬何時開放4G,而其他國家也正在加速擴充LTE服務的覆蓋率,但在上網速度增快的同時,我們的手機似乎無法支撐。美國科技網站GIGAOM報導,根據諾基亞西門子公司的初步研究,4G手機比起3G手機多消耗了5%-20%的電力。而Engadget網站的實際測試,發現Google Navigation的耗電速度遠快於三星Galaxy Nexus的充電速度。
GIGAOM網站認為,目前使用LTE的手機都使用「MIMO」的技術,不再只是單獨發送或接收一個信號,而是同時傳輸,而未來的手機有可能會使用更多同 時傳輸功能,因此手機等於有2個天線,而每個天線都需要自己專屬的功率放大器,GIGAOM的專欄作家凱文(Kevin Fitchard)表示,這就像一個電池要提供兩支手機的電力一般。
此外,最大的影響因素在於手機需要無時無刻找尋LTE網路,由於基地台不足,造成用戶的手機必須時常偵測網路,並消耗更多電力。而LTE運用了更複雜的技 術,如64正交振幅調變(QAM)及正交頻分復用(OFDM),因此,在網路更快速的同時,手機也需要消耗更多電力來使用LTE的信號。

2.新頭殼newtalk 2012.02.20 翁嫆琄/綜合報導

2012年2月19日 星期日

Trash to Treasure

Trash to Treasure
          Taiwan is a small island with a population of 23 million people. Right now, the country is facing a very serious problem; it has too much trash . Where can we put all of it ? Engineers are working on ways to reduce the amount of trash that the country produces. Here is one of their ideas.
        In Taiwan  , scientists want to turn trash into building material . This might sound impossible , but people are already working on it . Scientists have created something called poli-bricks . These bricks are made from recycled plastic bottles . They are strong and easy to produce . Because they're made from trash , they reduce the amount of trash in Taiwan . 
       Poli-bricks are quite strong . In fact , an architect has made a boat entirely from the special bricks . You may have already seen this boat yourself . It was on display at the Flora Expo.
      In the future , we may use poli-bricks to build all kinds of things . Scientist have other ideas of how to save energy and reduce trash . These ideas are very exciting , But we are running out of of time . If  Taiwan does not reduce its trash right now , we will face a crisis in the very near future .

1. Poli-bricks 寶特瓶磚
1.ABC 互動英語電子雜誌 115期. 

2012年2月18日 星期六


2012/02/17 新世代保母 平板電腦超夯 編譯陳世欽、馮克芸/報導 電視擺一邊。平板電板已經成為最夯的電子保母。市調機構尼爾森16日公布的最新調查結果顯示,家有12歲以下小孩的父母已有七成讓孩子使用平板電腦,以免他們無事可做。 這些孩子都拿平板電腦做什麼?55%的受訪家長表示,孩子與他們外出旅行時,以平板電腦打發時間;41%的人說,進入餐館或參加活動時,他們會把平板電腦交給孩子,省得孩子沒事做。 77%的受訪者則表示,孩子會玩平板電腦下載的遊戲;另有57%的家長說,他們會以平板電腦選擇應用程式作教育之用。 43%的家長說,他們的孩子以平板電腦收看電視節目或電影,但平板電腦較少被用來溝通交流,只有15%的孩子拿平板電腦來連絡朋友或家人。 尼爾森公司在去年第4季做的這項調查,與先前其他報告的結論一致:科技已侵入兒童的生活,像iPad之類的電子設備已成為兒童的玩伴、老師兼保母,且各種為學齡兒童或甚至0到3歲幼兒所設計的應用程式大增。 在尼爾森去年第3季所做的類似調查中,僅有61%的家長把平板電腦交給孩子自己玩。 資料來源: 聯合報

2012年2月17日 星期五

2012年2月16日 星期四


     台灣索尼消費性產品行銷總部日籍總經理松嶋忠信說,台灣耳機(不含手機搭配耳機)市場,入耳式機種佔耳機比重4成,其他則是頭戴式耳機。 尤其5,000元以上高階耳機市場,近年來明顯增長,2010年市佔率7.10%,去年倍數增長至15.2%。GFK市場調查機構預估2012年市場規模 為新台幣7.87億元,比去年同期成長24%。
     松嶋忠信表示,台灣高階耳機市場需求愈來愈多,成長動力係因智慧型手機普及化、數位音樂普及化所致,不單台灣引領潮流,全世界也是如此,SONY這次發表自行研發的XBA系列平衡電樞驅動單元(Balanced Armature; BA)的耳機,就是希望能擴大高階耳機市場佔有率。
     SONY ERICSSON手機被SONY集團併入,第1支掛上SONY品牌的手機預計本月24日在台發表。對於SONY手機所用的耳機,未來是否也會交由SONY 研發,專程來台的SONY個人影音事業集團個人娛樂部第一單位耳機技術擔當部長投野耕作表示,SONY過去曾與SONY ERICSSON手機有過合作開發耳機,目前雖未計畫,但未來可以討論。
       Sony 結合 50 年來打造世界一流創新耳機的廣泛技術,繼 1982 年推出世界首款入耳式耳機、1998 年首創 5.1 聲道數位環繞耳機、2008 年第一款數位降噪耳機等,現在創研自製平衡電樞驅動單元,是全球唯一為提供最佳音樂享受所開發製造,將 Sony 超過半世紀在音樂配備與耳機研發製作的經驗和技術發揮致極。
      Sony 平衡電樞驅動單元擁有多項優勢,其體積僅有 13.5mm 動態驅動單元的四分之一,讓耳機設計能夠更精巧靈敏,提供絕佳音質解析,配戴更舒適,可隨意調整創造更廣泛的音域,低音表現沉穩延展性佳,中高音宏亮清脆。


4G 干擾 GPS 新聞

(法新社華盛頓15日電) 美國聯邦傳播委員會(FCC)宣布建造高速無線寬頻網路計畫喊停,原因是可能干擾GPS導航裝置。


Super Earth

Super Earth found In Habitable Zone
         Scientists think that they have found a "super-Earth." It is a planet that is similar to Earth , but larger . This planet is about three times the size of Earth . It is 36 light years from us .
         Scientists have found several other "Super-Earths" in the past , so why is this one important ? Its temperature is just right . It's not too hot or too cold . It also has thick clouds . Most importantly , it might have water . If it has water , it might have life .
          Scientist hope to gather more information about this "super-Earth." In the future , our telescopes might be strong enough to help us study it more closely . Scientists believe that there are many "super-Earths" in the universe . They are always looking for new ones.

Tips :
1. Habitable Zone . 適合居住之處.(天文用語)
1. A is (number) times the size of B A是B的 ---倍大,(如數量大於1則time 加s)

2. (Something) is just right . (某物)恰到好處.

2012年2月15日 星期三

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year
            Chinese new year has a lot of importance in Chinese . It is as meaningful to Chinese people as Christmas and Easter are to most Westerners .
            People usually celebrate Chinese new year for about a week .Some people use this opportunity to go overseas . However , most people take time off work and travel home to see their families. People work very hard to prepare for the New Year . In fact , some people start to prepare for Chinese new year weeks ahead of time. That preparation includes lots of shopping .
             During this period  , many people visit Taipei's Dihua St. There people can buy presents , decorations, food and clothing . This is one of the busiest shopping times of the year . Around this time  , popular shopping streets receive thousands of customers .
            Aside from shopping , there are lots of other traditional activities during Chinese New Year . For example , most people clean their homes , give out red envelopes , and set off firecrackers .
           Food is a huge part of this holiday  , On New Year's Eve , families get together for a big dinner . Young people usually stay up past midnight. This is supposed to give long life to the elder members of the family . After dinner , people might play mahjong with their relatives , or share late-night snacks .
         Life is often very stressful . Most of us have serious concerns like jobs and schoolwork . It's nice to know that once a year . We can take a break from our usual lives and have fun with our families . That is the best of Chinese New Year . 

Tips :
1. Take time off : 請假
2. Ahead of time : 提前 , ahead 做副詞.
3. Aside from something :除了 ..... 之外.
4. Red envelope: 紅包
5. Firecracker : 鞭炮
6. Stay up : 熬夜
7. Snack : 小吃.

Reference :
1. ABC互動式英語雜誌 115期

2012年2月14日 星期二

All the movies you know and love

All the movies you know and love
Pixar has made 12 films . Together , the movie have earned more than seven billions dollar .   Finding Nemo , Incredible , Up , and Toy story 3 are all Pixar films . Toy story 3 was most successful cartoon movie of all time .
Many Pixar movie are popular with both adults and children .Adults like  interesting stories . Children are laugh at the funny  characters . Everyone enjoyed Pixar's unique computer animation .
Recently , Pixar has been making  television shows as well . Toy story and Cars are now very popular  television cartoons .

 Tips :
1. be popular with (someone)  = be popular among (someone)

Reference :
-ABC 互動英語雜誌 115 期.

2012年2月12日 星期日






女子 1600公尺測試



2012年2月11日 星期六







2012年2月10日 星期五


台鐵局推出情人節「破冰達陣、鐵定成功」限量禮盒,用基隆廢棄的舊軌道枕木道釘,委託廠商除鏽、防鏽處理後,製作成精美的情人節禮物。鐵路道釘有「鐵定成 功」、「鐵定生丁」等吉祥含意,被視為求感情、求子的最佳禮品。台鐵局餐旅總所總經理朱來順表示,這次製作情人節禮品的道釘,取材自台鐵西部縱貫線基隆路 段0到5公里處。只限量製成3000份。
他表示,台灣西部幹已經陸續改為PC水泥枕木,新的路線已經沒有道釘,只有東幹線和部分支線的還有道釘。台灣鐵路創建至今有超過百年歷史,鐵路道釘歷史最 久可能有上百年,短一點的也有數十年。由於鐵路道釘經過長年的風吹日曬雨淋,和無數次火車重壓與振動,民間盛傳磁場強大。負責拆除道釘的台北工務段松山道 班技術助理柯太信說,他就碰過有人結婚或求子時,想要收藏鐵路道釘求好運。
朱來順表示,把道釘製成鐵路禮品非常耗時費工,從拆除、除鏽、防鏽到包裝完成,前後花了三個多月。因為數量有限,每組要賣1499元;14日西洋情人節先 賣1400組,3月14日白色情人節再賣1600組,第一批14日上午10時在台北、台中、高雄、松山四個車站開賣,每人限購兩組。