2012年3月12日 星期一

Dial 119 or 112 differently .

         112 is the emergency rescue backup hotline as part of the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) . Mobile phone users can dial 112 for emergency assistance as long as the phones is still operate , Whether they can receive a signal , or that the SIM card is still embedded in the phone  or not . As soon as the line gets through , you can follow the instructions to get help . Dial 0 for reporting to the police , and 9 to call the fire department . The hotlines works as effective as both 110 and 119 .
      Because the 119 hotline has a longstanding history , and it connects you to professional assistance right away . 112 requires callers to follow instructions before the operator comes online . For that reason , the government encourages callers to make 119 the priority emergency hotline . If the reception is poor , or if it fails to connect you to the operator , call 112 .
      Both 119 and 112 are free , but don't call these numbers at random , or it may cause delays for those who truly need help . That would be deplorable waste of government resources .

1. Contents -Studio Classroom September 2009 .
2. Picture - http://www.nfa.gov.tw/Uploads//Links防災宣導/100/其他宣導/119、112救災專線.jpg

