2012年3月17日 星期六

Watch your environmental occupation

      Did you know that the average toilet seat is 400 times cleaner than your desk ? Or that there are more than 10 million germs on the average desk ? Your desk isn't the only thing harboring germs .Your phone , keyboard , light switches , buttons on the elevator and door handles - each of these things is loaded with countless microbes . In one study , Dr. Charles Gerba , a microbiologist at the University of Arizona and his researchers found that an infected person can leave a trail of viruses on every surface he touches . The viruses can survive on surfaces for up to three days .
     Here are five of the germiest occupation , in order from most to least germy .
     The First  is teacher - Average amount of bacteria per square inch : 17,800 . Why it's germy : Kid's desktops are probably the dirtiest objects in a classroom . Additionally , when children turn in tests and assignments , they hand in germs too .Teachers had 5 times more germs on their phones and nearly 27 times more germs on the computer keys than other professions studied .
     The Second is accountant - Average amount of bacteria per square inch: 6,030 . Why it's germy : Accountants tend to spend a great deal of time behind their desks . Accountants ' desks and pens ranked No .1 , Averaging 12,600 and 2,350 bacteria per square inch , respectively .
    The Third is banker - Average amount of bacteria per square inch : 5,400 . Why it's germy : Everyone knows how dirty money is . When you think about  the one core duty of bankers handling money- it's no surprise the germs bankers come in contact with .
    The forth is radio DJ - Average amount of bacteria per square inch : 3,323. Why it's germy : Radio DJs often work in shifts , with several people coming in and out of the station a day. As we said before , an infected person can leave a trail of viruses on every surface he touches . So many people using the same equipment is bound to garner a lot of bacterial .
   The Fifth is Doctor - Average amount of bacteria per square inch : 2,620 . Why it's germy :As professionals who serve sick people , it's no surprise doctors are their own source of germs .

1. Contents - Studio Classroom 2009 September

